Posting product with 130 variants

We are trying to support products with 100+ variants. In order to do that we designed a very dummy product with size and color as option fields and assigned them values like 1-5 for size and color as A,B…,Z.
We are currently using ProductSet Mutation to create the products+variants.
Documentation says that from 2024-07 and later 100 limits was removed however we tried with version 2024-10 and 2025-01 on synchronous mode and both versions returned:
Can only specify a maximum of 100 product variants

So as 3rd try we attempt to do the same but this time on asynchronous mode. However we still get the same error:

Can only specify a maximum of 100 product variants

Can someone please help me to find the correct way to create a product with 100+ variants?


Hi @Team_SureDone

You can create variants by combining productVariantsBulkCreate API.

I don’t get it. If you go to the ProductSet docs it’s specifically says that we shouldn’t have that limitation

Your suggestion is to first create the product with ProductSet and then with the productId returned make a productVariantsBulkCreate? There is no place where says that productVariantsBulkCreate allows 100+ variants.

Are you using a dev store with the expanded variants developer preview enabled: Developer previews

Thank you so much @Liam-Shopify, I created a new shopify dev store with the extended variants dev preview enabled and that made it work. You rocks!