Hi, I’m on graphql api version 2025-01, and I’m trying to perform productVariantBulkCreate using these instructions: Add product data using the new product model
According to this, I should be able to add up to 2048 variants, but I am still getting cut off at 100: New GraphQL product APIs that support up to 2048 variants now available in 2024-04 — Shopify developer changelog
I’m trying to add 180 variants. It does work as long as I stay under 100. I also tried doing it in two batches of 90, and I still got the error on the second batch.
Error is: Exceeded maximum number of variants allowed
Anyone else run into this? Do I need to enable this feature somehow, or is it not available on my Basic plan? I can’t find any info on this.
mutation CreateProductVariants($productId: ID!, $variants: [ProductVariantsBulkInput!]!) {
productVariantsBulkCreate(productId: $productId, variants: $variants, strategy: REMOVE_STANDALONE_VARIANT) {
productVariants {
selectedOptions {
userErrors {
Variables (imagine with 180 variants instead of 1)
"productId": "gid://shopify/Product/<my gid>",
"variants": [
"price": 62.0,
"inventoryItem": {
"cost": 28.52,
"sku": "F-5x7-W",
"tracked": false,
"requiresShipping": true
"optionValues": [
"name": "6 x 8",
"optionName": "frame dimensions"
"name": "White",
"optionName": "finish"
"name": "Edge-to-Edge Print",
"optionName": "mat border"