Send internal emails with rich formatting

Are there any ways via 3rd party apps or otherwise to send rich formatted internal email notifications?

I saw FlowMail but it doesn’t seem to have too much support currently for rich formatting based on the screenshots.

Have you checked Formateca Emails?
Formateca offers customizable email templates, all editable through a no-code editor.

No - it support flow emails? I didn’t notice that on the app listing.

What kind of support are you looking for? You can format Flow’s own emails with HTML

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Like more of a rich text editor type of interface.

Ah, yeah. Obviously we don’t have that now, but we do have better editors in Run code and Send Admin API request that we will absolutely make available to other actions. Actually previewing the output is more tricky as we need to get the data. So you’ll see improvements there once Flow has testing improvements (hasn’t started but high priority for this year).