Shopify new app versioning to new version without sunsetting existing app

We have a shopify app which is build 3 years ago. Now I have an app ready with remix and functionality and everything is same. We have submitted app for review and from shopify we get answer like we need to sunset the existing old app then only the review and certification can be done.We have live customers in the old app so we cannot sunset existing app, that will affect customers

My question is

Can we release new app as the next version of existing app?
If so how we can proceed? Please anyone answers will be gold dust for us!!

DMing you to get the app details Santhosh

Hi @Liam-Shopify the app name is shoprunner‑connect

The new one we have submitted for review. We cannot sunset the existing one because of live customers. please help

It is unexpected that you can’t just update the existing app if everything is the same other than you’re migrating to Remix.

@Liam-Shopify as of now we have a fresh new app which is remix.
Can we point it to the existing app and release as next version?

If it’s set up as a separate app (as in has a different API key, AppID), then I don’t think you can just switch this with the existing app.