We urgently need to reach someone on the product team for Shopify Analytics (Shopify Admin built-in reporting)

We urgently need to connect with someone on the Shopify product team that works on the new Analytics (the built-in sales reporting within Shopify Admin). The new analytics has broken reporting for merchants who conduct sales with our app, as it no longer includes sales from products which have since been deleted from their Shopify Admin (it categorizes all of these sales under “None” and all data such as vendor and product type are missing). In the old analytics, this was not an issue.

It would be a huge help if either a) the Analytics team would put back the button that allows merchants to revert to the old analytics through the end of January 2025 so that we have more time to message this to merchants appropriately or b) allow for sales data from deleted products to show up in reporting (as they had it in the old analytics).