We wanted to remind you that as of Feb 1st all public apps must be built using the new GraphQL product APIs.
In early February merchants on a Shopify Plus plan or above will start to be able to opt-in to early access to 2,048 (aka 2K) variants. If your app has not been migrated to the new GraphQL product APIs, merchants using your app in early access may have a downgraded or broken experience when interacting with products over 100 variants, and will be notified accordingly.
Merchants shouldn’t need to re-install the app when you migrate to use GraphQL instead of REST endpoints, but if you’re adding new scopes they may need to re-authenticate the app.
Additionally, only merchants that opt in to the new extended variants feature will see an unsupported warning from early Feb, if a deprecated call is being made.
From your screenshot it looks like the migration is complete as there’s no recently detected API calls, so you should be all good moving forward.