New GraphQL product APIs and early access to 2048 (aka 2K) variants

Hi Shopify Devs,

We wanted to remind you that as of Feb 1st all public apps must be built using the new GraphQL product APIs.

In early February merchants on a Shopify Plus plan or above will start to be able to opt-in to early access to 2,048 (aka 2K) variants. If your app has not been migrated to the new GraphQL product APIs, merchants using your app in early access may have a downgraded or broken experience when interacting with products over 100 variants, and will be notified accordingly.

For more information, please refer to the New Product APIs FAQs and our documentation on using the latest GraphQL product APIs.

Hi, if we make the required update, will we still see the RED dot for API Health (Due Feb 1) on our app? We made the update but still see the red dot.


When did you make this change? The warning can appear up to 30 after you’ve updated your app.

Hi, we made the change last Thursday.

In that case it is expected to see this warning - as it will appear 30 days after you’ve updated the app.

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This is not my case… the alert is shown again and yesterday as the last detected date.

Will clients be required to re-install the app after we have migrated to GraphQL.

Hi @Freight_Club_Shopify

Merchants shouldn’t need to re-install the app when you migrate to use GraphQL instead of REST endpoints, but if you’re adding new scopes they may need to re-authenticate the app.

Hi @Q_S

As noted in the first message in this thread, no apps that are still making calls to the deprecated REST product endpoints will be delisted on Feb 1st: New GraphQL product APIs and early access to 2048 (aka 2K) variants

Additionally, only merchants that opt in to the new extended variants feature will see an unsupported warning from early Feb, if a deprecated call is being made.

From your screenshot it looks like the migration is complete as there’s no recently detected API calls, so you should be all good moving forward.