Urgent: POS UI Extension tiles not appearing as available to add on POS 9.29.1

On Shopify POS 9.29.1 , for two of our apps when we tap on Add Tile > App > our app > no POS UI Extensions are showing as available to add . The POS UI Extension tiles that have already been added on the home screen are still there and functional, but any new merchant who’s just installed our app can’t add them.

The affected apps are on older versions (retail-ui-extensions": "1.6.0") while the apps that remain unaffected are on newer library versions 2024-xx. I’m hoping this is a bug and not by design?

@derrick we’re looking into it now. For now, if you could let your merchants know that the flow to add the tiles in the Shopify Admin still works

@derrick I know the timing is awkward here as well, but just an FYI all extensions that are using 2024-04 and earlier (all the retail-ui-extension based ones) will no longer be supported as of POS 9.31.0 (Ships early April)